Spooky Town Update
I am finally hitting the home stretch on my "Spooky Town Zoomed-In" painting. I have added the lady-witch character but before I did that, I did a sketch of lady-witch in my small Canson Mixed Media journal. I was a little nervous about sketching her directly onto the canvas freehand so I thought it would be a good idea to do her in my book first and get a confidence level for drawing her. Then I drew her directly onto the canvas . . . . . UGH, NO :-(
I didn't. I traced what I drew in my sketchbook because I loved it and transferred it onto my canvas via a bit of graphite powder from my sharpener that I use to sharpen the leads in my graphite stick holder. It holds 2-3mm thick sticks of graphite or whatever you want to put in it I guess?? Anyway, I'm getting off on a tangent, sorry :-)
Anyway, I did this 7"x10" painting in acrylic in my sketchbook and then used my traced copy to transfer the drawing to my canvas and paint her there as well. I also used the smaller painting in my book to work out some color and value ideas and issues that came about as I went along. It was really fun actually and I feel myself becoming more and more inspired the more I try Cinnamon's techniques and paint some of her designs that I feel inspired by. So Hey, why don't you get a canvas and brushes at your local WalMart and some System 3 Daler Rowney paint as well why you are getting some milk and diapers or whatever and give painting some of this stuff a go? It's HUGE FUN!!! I just know you'll love it.
Hope you enjoy the pics and look for me on TheArtSherpa.com and on YouTube!
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"Lady-witch" painting by Reeah. Design - Cinnamon Cooney The Art Sherpa |
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"Spooky Town Zoomed-In" painting by Reeah. Design - Cinnamon Cooney The Art Sherpa |
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"Spooky Town Zoomed-In" In miniature size! Painting by Reeah. Design - Cinnamon Cooney The Art Sherpa |
Go out and do something Creative today! You won't be sorry, I promise! :-)
Big Hugs!!
Links to Cinnamon & John's new online presence!!!
Links to The Art Sherpa on YouTube!!!
Poison Flowers!!!
***** Please always give credit where credit is due *****
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